
Please read the content of this blog with careful delight. Take joy in it for the Christian woman that I have become but be careful of the little girl who is running around scared and confused!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I think God is trying to tell me something. Actually, I think He’s been whispering it for a while, but I wasn’t listening…until now.

I am having the great experience of an ear infection. It hurts, it throbs, it pretty much sucks! I have not been able to hear out of this one ear for over a week now.  The pain and pressure are overwhelming. Every noise around me gets mixed in the signal. I can’t tell how loud I am, or how loud anything around me is. My kids have learned to walk on the side of my “good” ear. We use outside voices while in the house.

Two days in, I begged my doctor to lance it and drain it (I know, gross!). But, she said that I had to try antibiotics for a week before they would do that.  I left that day with a patient heart.

I wait patiently…
…in the checkout line at the grocery store.
…for my food at a restaurant.
…at the longest stoplight on my route to work.
This ear thing…I got this!

So, I went back to the doctor today. My one week was up. Please, oh please, make the pain and pressure stop. That was my plea. I had no patience left. Then the ENT explained the procedure and the risk..and I cried. I wanted the healing to come, but not at the risk of getting hurt worse. That’s when I heard God nudge me. “Where is your patience, daughter?”  The doctor’s recommendation: a different antibiotic and a good dose of time. I cried again. The room was so quiet. The doctor stared at me, waiting on my decision. Then, I heard Him a second time. “Where is your patience, daughter? All wounds take time to heal.” I know God was saying no, so I left with another prescription and an aching heart.

Even though His words came at the time I was dealing with my painful ear, I know He meant them for more than that. He meant them for my painful heart. You see, I have this other part of my life (more painful than this ear infection) that I am not so patient with. I want the healing to have already happened. I want to be done with the hurt. I want to be “all better”…like two weeks ago. Most days, I’m good. A lot of days, I am great! But I still have those other days. The days that my heart cries out. The days loneliness screams at me. If I’m not careful, those days can overshadow all of the good days I’ve had. So then, I get mad at myself for allowing those days to even happen. I tell myself that enough time has passed, that I’ve mourned, that I’ve moved on. I am harder on myself than I would allow anyone else to be. But those days still happen…and will happen. But, next time, I will hear His tender voice remind me “Where is your patience, daughter?” I will let His words soothe me. “All wounds take time to heal.” 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I am overwhelmed with the thought of forgiveness. Oddly, it’s not forgiveness for another. It’s forgiveness for me. I have spent my whole life being hard on myself, especially in the last three years when I fought two years FOR my marriage and let it go in the last year. As if fell apart, I blamed myself more that anyone else. I foolishly believed that it was within my sole control to make my marriage better, to make it strong, to make it last. One day, at the bottom of my pit, my then-pastor preached a sermon about how God chips away what is not of Him. He encouraged us to pray for God to do this to us so that we can grow closer to Him. That day, I prayed for God to take out of my life what was not of Him. And, in the following months, He did just that. He took away my false sense of security. He took away my failing marriage. He took away a family that I had drawn so close. He took away the image of what I thought my life had to look like. But, for each thing that he chipped away, He replaced it with more love, more encouragement, more faith, more forgiveness than I have ever known. I love God. I have always loved Him. But, now, I know He loves me. He forgives me. I know it and I feel it. And now it’s time to give the same forgiveness to myself. You see, I am soooooo scared to mess up, to fail. I have always felt this way. The really cool thing is that I am okay with that now. I am okay with messing up. I am okay with making mistakes. I am okay with back-sliding. I am okay that my pendulum does not rest in dead-center. It swings from side to side. I am going to make many more mistakes in the however-many years that God had me on this earth. And I am okay with that. I will forgive myself because He has already forgiven me.

Friday, March 28, 2014


I think I've frolicked in complicated for far too long. Tonight, I had a taste of easy. It was a good easy, a comfortable easy. I wasn't intimidated or scared. Easy was nice, but foreign. I'm left with thoughts of reality. How does my reality look with easy? Can I accomodate this easy feeling? Can I really break through, past all that is complicated and enjoy easy? I know with God's abundant grace that I can. Deep down, I know that He never intended for me to live in complicated. But complicated was home. It was all I knew. It's how I grew up. It's all I thought existed. In all that I have given up in the last year, complicated has been the hardest concept to let go of. I am so looking forward this new, this easy. God is definitely good...all the time.