
Please read the content of this blog with careful delight. Take joy in it for the Christian woman that I have become but be careful of the little girl who is running around scared and confused!

Friday, May 10, 2013


My favorite blogger does a "Five Minute Friday" every Friday. She writes (and encourages others to write) for five minutes about a single word. Today, it's comfort. That's a hard one for me. I liken comfort to feeling free. I have never really felt comfort. I have been comforted. I have comforted others. But to truly feel comfort, never. Comfort always eludes me. It's always just beyond my grasp. I long for comfort, to really feel free. Free to be me, free to love me, free to accept me. I wonder if that will ever happen or will my perfectionism keep that at bay. Like the shores of the ocean lapping at my feet but never rushing over my toes. Like the sun coming up in the morning but never warming my face. I long for comfort. I need comfort.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


In this crazy world and our busy life, it is sooo easy to lose focus. The days seem to pass with hardly a mention of Your name. Am I really that busy? Am I so busy that I forget to enjoy the beauty that You have placed around me? I think not. Even though I don't talk about You much during the day, each night I think about how very lucky I am to have You to walk with me. You were there with the birds singing above us. You were there with the lizards scurrying on the ground. You were there in the rising waters as nature reclaimed its own. You were there in every breath that my exhausted body craved. And...You are here now as my day unwinds. You are here as the memories of today are being filed away for stories to share with my future grandchildren. And...You will be there in those stories, in the memories. Just as I have shared You with my children, I will share You with my future grandchildren. I will do my best to show them the beauty of Your world around us just like I shared it with Audrey's friends today.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today, I'm taking the backseat. I'm not fond of it but I want to get used to it. The backseat has always felt like a cop-out, like an excuse. I have punished myself many of times by thinking "I could have done more," "I should have done different," or " I should have been better." Today, I take the backseat. Not that I don't want to help out. I just want to watch. I want to feel the excitement of seeing things from the sidelines. The backseat isn't good or bad...just another view.