
Please read the content of this blog with careful delight. Take joy in it for the Christian woman that I have become but be careful of the little girl who is running around scared and confused!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Amazing Love

Most people complain when their child gets sick on a weekend. I'm not most people. I selfishly enjoy it. Don’t get me wrong, I hate it when my babies get sick but you won’t hear me complaining if it happens during my time off. You see, during the week, I would be frantic trying to find someone to watch him/her. I would feel like a failure of a mother all day for having to go to work while my little one needs me. Also, I would feel like a failure of a worker all day if I had to call in sick to my employer. It is always a lose/lose situation. However, on the weekend, I get to be the doting mommy that my kids long for and deserve. I get a glow about me and take pride in my mothering skills knowing that my babies are not having to wait for someone else to figure out what a grunt or a whine is all about. I carried both of them in my body. I have every part of their being embedded in my very soul. I am so very grateful for the family that I have because they will drop just about everything to help us out. And, Ryan is always willing to keep them at home if he can, even when he has to take off work to do it. However, I yearn and ache to hold and comfort them in their time of need. Many have tried but NO ONE (that is on Earth) can duplicate the love of a devoted mother. I pray for those out there that have never known of the love that I am speaking. It is a genuine, one-of-a-kind feeling. It is a fire that surrounds and engulfs you, creating warmth that no amount of water can douse. I look to God when I need that kind of love. I don’t look to him near enough as I should and maybe that is why it is so difficult to forgive my own mom. Just like a mother's love, God’s love is also never-ceasing, all-engulfing, and blissfully-tender. And no one can duplicate His love, not even a devoted mother!