
Please read the content of this blog with careful delight. Take joy in it for the Christian woman that I have become but be careful of the little girl who is running around scared and confused!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Philippians Chapter 1

This is a must read for anyone that is feeling “tried and convicted” by others. I absolutely love how the author talks about how his being in chains is to further Christ’s work in others lives. How Christ means for him to be in chains for the good of others and that he choose to take the suffering so that he can be of service to others. How true is this for all of us. How true is this that we can choose to take the suffering to be an example of how Christ can work in all our lives, especially others.

P.S. As I was typing this, I forgot to capitalize the c in Christ. However, my Microsoft Office corrected my mistake. How awesome is that. I praise the program writers for their work. As even non-believers are forced to recognize that He is the Great I Am!

Until next time, God bless.

Nicole Dooley


"To God be the glory! Amen"


Saturday, August 14, 2010

God makes me understand!

A few weeks ago, my younger sister was staying at our house while training for a new job. The subject of cats came up and we were swapping stories. My sister shared how her cats are in and out of the vets office, getting medicine and special food. Now, to some, this may sound completely rediculous. However, I thought that I understood her predicament. My sister hardly even makes ends meet as it is. So, I, being tha BIG sister and all, laid it on pretty hard about choices and sacrifices and that your family is more important than special food for your cat. Here is where the Lord chose to SHOW me how she feels. I am sitting int the vet ER with my cat. This is her 2nd visit with the vet in 2 weeks. I have not a penny to my name, literally. I have no credit line left to charge this visit to, yet I am still sitting here. I love my cat so much and hate seeing her in so much pain. I love her so much that the 30+ fee from the bank for overdrafting is worth every penny. My prayer is this: Lord, please forgive me for judging other for I know not the details of their lives or the reasons driving their decisions. Lord, please heal my precious Gracie and give her many more years with HER family. And, Lord, bless my younger sister for forgiving her know-it-all sister. Amen.
Nicole Dooley *To God be the glory, Amen!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Childhood Blessings

My daughter started kindergarten today. There was both excitement and nervousness running through my body. Thoughts of my childhood brought up so many fears of my own daughter's experience. I pray that the good Lord blesses her with a far better childhood than I lived. I pray that no one relentlessly teases her, that she will have good clothes to wear, that I do a good job of teaching her how to take care of herself, and that I can protect her from all the things that caused me so much pain. God willing, she will never know the pains of growing up like I did. My prayer tonight is this: May God bless us in all the ways that we need, not desire. May we find fulfillment in how he blesses us, not long for the unnecessary. Please take time tonight and thank God for your unanswered prayers, for you know not what his will is in each of those or what he has in store for you.
Nicole Dooley *To God be the glory, Amen!